내신 중간·기말 지필고사구성: 보통 객관식(60~70% 점수 비중)+서술형(30~40%)
내신등급산출: 보통 지필고사(60~80% 점수 비중)+수행평가(20~40%)
수행평가 배점 비율이 더 높은 학교와 과목도 있음.
교과세특활동에 기재되는 수행평가의 형태는 다양. 성실하게 수행평가를 준비해야 함
'인공지능시대 교육정책방향과 핵심과제(2020. 11월 교육부·정부부처 합동자료)'는 인공지능시대 교육은
1) 규격화·정형화된 대량교육을 넘어, 인간의 감성·창의성 계발을 위한 학습자 중심의 질 높고 유연한 맞춤형 개별화 교육
2) 일방향적 전달인 강의수업·암기를 넘어, 스스로 문제해결방법을 찾는 자기주도적 태도
3) 평생학습과 인문학과 기술이 결합한 AI 관련 소통・활용능력을 강조합니다.
한선생영어는 서울대 영문과 졸업 원장직강만으로 고등부는 물론, 고교학점제에 대비하여 중등부 원생들의 영어 역량, 학습 내용을 이해해서 자신의 말과 글로 나타내는 문해력, 융복합 사고력, 의사소통능력(표현력), 자기주도학습태도를 개별지도식 맞춤교육으로 길러냅니다.
고등학교 영어 내신 등급을 결정하는 유형은 서술형·논술형 문제들입니다. 국어, 수학, 사회, 과학과 마찬가지로, 창의융합적 사고력, 지식 활용능력이 더욱 요구되는 시대적 흐름을 반영하여, 고등학교 내신시험도 객관식 문제는 점차 줄어들고, 주관식·서술형·논술형 문제의 비중이 점점 커지고 있습니다. 변별력 있는 논술형·서술형 문제들은 문법·어휘 응용문제, 조건충족형 영작과 논술·서술형 문제, 주제·요지·제목·요약문을 어법과 조건에 맞춰 영어로 쓰거나 빈칸을 완성하는 문제 등이며, 주로 지문을 변형출제합니다. 학원 상담온 학부모·학생들의 사례에서 알 수 있듯이 내신에서 학생들이 가장 어려워하는 유형도 영어실력, 기본소양, 사고력·응용력을 요하는 서술형·논술형 문제들입니다. 서술형·논술형 문제 해결에 어려움을 겪고 있는 학생들에게 실질적 도움이 되도록, 송파구(잠실), 강동구, 광진구, 강남구, 서초구 일반계 고등학교와 자사고의 1학년, 2학년, 3학년 1학기·2학기 중간고사와 기말고사의 서술형·논술형 문제의 대표 유형을 분석해서 효과적인 해결책을 자세히 제시해 드립니다. 서술형·논술형 문제에 대한 적응력을 길러 1등급·2등급·등급도약을 달성하기 위해, 평소 영문법·구문, 어휘, 듣기, 독해력, 영작 등 하나의 언어로서의 영어 실력을 제대로 기르고, 스스로 답을 도출해내는 사고력 훈련, 도출된 답을 논리정연하게 글로 표현해내는 표현력 훈련을 꾸준히 해보시기 바랍니다. 이런 방식으로 길러진 사고력, 표현력은 학생부(교과, 비교과), 자기 소개서, 면접으로 학생을 종합평가하는 정성평가 학생부종합전형에서 특히 좋은 결과를 낼 것입니다. 한선생영어는, 독서와 실력연마, 가르치는 것 자체를 즐기는 서울대 영문과 졸업 원장 직강만으로 기본에 충실하고 내실있게 내신·수행·수능을 완벽하게 대비시킴은 물론, 창의융합적 사고력, 기본소양, 지적 역량, 학업 역량 등 학습 활동의 과정과 질을 중요하게 평가하는 학종시대에 최적화된 질 높은 영어교육을 합니다.(오금고, 방산고, 가락고, 보성고, 창덕여고, 보인고, 잠실여고, 잠신고, 잠실고, 잠일고, 배재고, 배명고, 동북고, 한영고, 둔촌고, 영동일고, 영파여고, 정신여고, 문정고, 문현고, 상일여고, 명일여고, 광문고, 선화예고, 광남고, 동대부여고, 한대부고, 건대부고, 진선여고, 경기고, 경기여고, 중동고, 휘문고, 서울고, 단대부고, 세화고, 세화여고 등)
제 기고문 '학종시대 영어 내신, 1등급의 열쇠는 사고력·응용력에 기반한 서술·논술형 문제 해결능력'(2017-08-16 내일신문 게재), '송파구 한선생영어 기고, 쉬운 수능 시대, 영어 내신 1등급의 관건은 탄탄한 기본실력과 고난도 문제 해결 능력'(2015-03-16 내일신문 게재)도 참고해 보세요.
⇒ '영어 내신 서술형·논술형 문제 해법 예시3'으로 이어집니다.
예제12. 어법이 가장 어색한 5개를 골라 바르게 고치시오. BS고등학교 15년 1학년 2학기말
Every day, we see and hear many things. For example, we see a variety of people, such as people from other countries, as well as advertisements on TV or online. We even hear other people's conversations on crowding buses or subways. It may seem like we don't pay attention to these things. However, our minds automatically form attitudes, opinions and judgments about them. We rarely think about whether these thoughts are right or wrong.
For example, what would you think if you met a white man who couldn't speak English? This would surprise some Koreans who assume that all white people speak English. Of course, this is not the case. The man could be from a country which English isn't used.
How about you? Do you assume that all white people speak English? Such thinking is based on something called a "stereotype." A stereotype is a fixing idea that many people have about a certain type of person or thing. The most common stereotypes are general ideas about people based on their age, gender, skin color, physical ability, economic status or academic background. Stereotyping is so common that most people don't even realize when they're doing it. It can be something as simple as saying, "Girls are sensitive," "Boys are tough," or "Old people are conservative." However, none of these statements are 100% true.
Prejudice is also a form of stereotyping, but it's much more serious. Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of or preference for someone or something. Many people are prejudiced against certain religions, races, nationalities or other groups without really knowing much about them. People which are prejudiced often say things like "African Americans are dangerous," or "Disabled people can't do the same things that normal people."
정답. (1)crowding➡crowded (2)which➡where 또는 in which (3)fixing➡fixed (4)which➡who (5)that➡as
해설 (1)crowded 붐비는 (2)a country선행사+where 또는 ‘in which'+완전한 문장(3)fixed 고정된 (4)People선행사+관계대명사 who (5)the same ~ as+명사: She’s given the same answer ɑs [(thɑt) she gave] last time.(주어나 동사가 생략되면 as를 쓰고 that은 불가)
예제13. 다음 글 [A], [B]의 내용을 요약한 문장을 본문의 단어를 사용하여 완성하시오.[송파구 BS고등학교 2015년 1학년 2학기 기말고사]
[A] The movie Final Destination is about people who avoid a plane crash through a premonition. However, they begin to suffer mysterious fatal accidents one by one, as if dying were their destiny. The story is fiction, but similar things have happened in the real world. In 2009 an Italian woman and her husband were supposed to take an Air France flight from Brazil to Paris. Missing their plane, they caught a different one and learned when they landed that the Air France jet had crashed. The couple had barely avoided death, but a few days later they suffered a car crash, which killed the woman. Is this just a coincidence or does destiny really exist?
[B] Our planet is surrounded by a magnetic field, but it could vanish at any time. Around every 200,000 years the field reverses, which causes it to temporarily disappear. Earth’s magnetic field plays a major role in protecting the planet from the Sun’s solar wind. Without the magnetic field, particles carried by solar wind would directly impact Earth. This would consequently lead to disruptions in our communications systems and an expansion of the holes in the ozone layer. Any change could also disturb animals’ migration patterns because they depend on the magnetic field to navigate. Clearly, Earth after a reversal of the field would be seriously affected in many ways.
⇒The passage [A] explains that unknown factors such as (1) _______ or (2) _______ can influence our lives, whereas the passage [B] shows that natural phenomenon such as a (3) _____ of the magnetic field can influence our environment on Earth.
정답. (1) coincidence (2) destiny (3) reversal
해설. 지문요약 문제는 요지 및 지문 내용의 이해, 적절한 어휘 찾기, 영어 문법과 문장구조에 대한 지식이 있어야 빈칸을 제대로 채울 수
예제14. 밑줄 친 get jobs other than goat-herding과 같은 의미가 되도록 다시 쓸 때 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오. 송파 BS고등학교 2016년 2학년 2학기말
Around the globe, there are groups of people who know about modern life but quietly resist it. Bakhtiari nomads of Iran are one such group. About a third of them have chosen not to go to cities or get jobs other than goat-herding. During the last century, Iran’s leader, the Shah, made the Bakhtiari give up their tradition. After the Shah was forced out of power, however, the Bakhtiari went back to their traditional nomadic lifestyle. Every spring they pack up their animal-hair tents and everything else they own. They leave the desert on foot, traveling more than 300 kilometers to their summer home high in the majestic Zagros Mountains. In the fall, they pack everything up again and return to the desert in Khuzestan Province to spend the winter.
→ get _______ ______ _______ for goat-herding
정답. other jobs except
해석. 그들 중 약 1/3은 도시에 가지 않거나 염소지기 외에 다른 일자리를 얻지 않는 것을 선택해왔다.
예제15. 다음 글의 문맥 상 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 단어를 본문에서 찾아 각각 한 단어로 쓰시오. 송파구 BS고등학교 2016년 2학년 2학기말
In 1859, Charles Darwin advanced a theory that provided a scientific explanation for the evolution of life — the Origin of Species as the book’s title has it. Because Darwin argued that species evolved into new species through the process of natural selection, his explanation is often called ‘selection theory.’ However, selection does not constitute the sole process in Darwin’s theory. On the contrary, selection depends on variation. Darwin assumed that organisms varied on numerous inheritable traits and that these traits conferred different levels of adaptation. Those organisms that display superior fitness to the environment are more likely to survive the ‘struggle for existence’ and thereby pass their adaptive traits on to the next generation. In short, without (A)_______ there can be no (B)_______.
정답. (A) variation (B) selection
해설. 주제문을 빈칸으로 만들었다. 변이가 없다면 선택이 있을 수 없다.
예제16. 다음 글을 읽고, 밑줄 그은 우리말 해석과 의미가 같아지도록, 괄호 안의 주어진 단어를 모두 활용하여 문맥과 어법에 맞게 영작하시오. (필요시, 단어를 추가하거나 변형하시오) [강동구 D고 2014년 1학년 1학기 기말고사]
Yujin has always kept a careful eye on her personal energy consumption. Recently, she decided to start motivating others to do the same. She organized an effort at her school to use less electricity. Students (classroom, turn off, that, encourage, use, the light). 학생들은 교실에서 사용 중이지 않은 전등을 끄도록 장려 받았다. And she asked everyone to unplug all the electronic devices in the school, including TV sets and chargers, when they were not needed.
It was a great success! Less electricity was wasted and her school saved hundreds of thousands of won. Currently, Yujin is working on a new campaign to promote energy-saving measures at other schools. She hopes to visit as many schools around the country as possible by the end of the year.
What did you want to achieve?
Yujin: I wanted to show that even small steps can have a big and helpful effect. Now, going one step further with more help from volunteers, we’re encouraging schools to do things like setting up motion-sensor lights, which turn off on their own when not in use.
Students ___________________________________________.
정답. Students were encouraged to turn off the lights and air conditioners in classrooms that were not being used.
해설. 능동형 원문She encouraged students to turn off the lights and air conditioners in classrooms that were not being used.(그녀는 학생들에게 사용하지 않는 교실의 전등과 에어컨을 끄도록 장려했다.)를 수동형으로 변형 출제한 것에 주의해야 한다.
예제17. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 본문 속에 나온 낱말들을 사용해 빈칸 ①~③에 들어갈 각각의 낱말을 주어진 철자로 시작해서 한 단어씩 차례대로 써 넣으시오. [강동구 D고등학교 2017년 1학년 1학기 중간고사]
New technologies create new interactions and cultural rules. As a way to encourage TV viewing, social television systems now enable social interaction among TV viewers in different locations. These systems are known to build a greater sense of connectedness among TVusing friends. One field study focused on how five friends between the ages of 30-36 communicated while watching TV at their homes. The technology allowed them to see which of the friends were watching TV and what they were watching. They chose how to communicate via social television—whether through voice chat or text chat. The study showed a strong preference for text over voice. Users offered two key reasons for favoring text chat. First, text chat required less effort and attention, and was more enjoyable than voice chat. Second, study participants viewed text chat as more polite.
Social television systems, while TV viewers making feel more ①c__________ with others, changed the method of ②p_________ communication and the way of recognizing the basic cultural rule of ③p________.
정답. ① connected ② preferred ③ politeness
해설. ① 본문에 나온 connectedness에서 형용사 보어 connected(이어진, 연결된)로, ② 본문에 나온 preference에서 preferred(선호되는)로, ③ 본문에 나온 polite에서 전치사의 목적어로 쓰여야 하므로 명사 politeness로 바꾼다. 지문요약 문제는 지문 내용의 이해, 적절한 어휘 찾기, 영문법 및 영어 문장 구조[구문]에 대한 지식이 있어야 빈칸을 제대로 채울 수 있다.
예제18. 다음을 읽고 문맥상 알맞지 않은 단어를 하나 찾아서 바르게 고치시오. [송파구 ㅂ고 2016년 1학년 1학기 기말고사]
Yugin has always kept a careful eye on her personal energy consumption. Recently, she decided to start motivating others to do the same. She organized an effort at her school to use less electricity. She interrupted students to turn off the lights and air conditioners in classrooms that were not being used. And she asked everyone to unplug all the electronic devices in the school, including TV sets and chargers, when they were not needed. It was a great success! Less electricity was wasted and her school saved hundreds of thousands of won.
정답. interrupted → encouraged
예제19. 밑줄 친 ⓐ, ⓑ가 가리키는 것을 본문에서 찾아 각각 4단어로 쓰시오. [송파구 ㅂ고등학교 2016년 1학년 1학기 중간고사]
Dr. Zimmerman, we all think we know what sleep is: the time when we are unconscious, resting and dreaming. However, most of us don't realize just how important sleep is. Could you tell us more about ⓐit? Sure. Although it may seem like you're not doing anything while you sleep, your brain is actually working hard. Researchers think that it reviews, sorts and stores the knowledge you gained during the day. Therefore, not getting enough sleep makes it harder for your brain to process and remember information. ⓑIt also affects your academic abilities by reducing your productivity and concentration. In addition, too little sleep can have very bad effects on your mental health. It can cause moodiness, depression and even eating problems.
정답. ⓐ how important sleep is ⓑ Not getting enough sleep
예제20. 글의 밑줄 친 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 단어를 모두 사용하여 영작하시오. (필요시 어형변화, 단어 추가) [송파구 K고 2016년 1학년 1학기 기말고사]
Host: Welcome to the Better Life Show. I'm your host, Betty Williams. Think about all the things you've done in your life. You may not realize that what you've spent the most time doing is sleeping. Today, we'll be talking about just how important this seemingly unproductive activity is for you. I'd like to introduce today's guest, Dr. Lewis Zimmerman. Thank you for joining us.
Dr.Z: It's a pleasure to be here, Betty.
Host: Dr. Zimmerman, we all think we know what sleep is: the time when we are unconscious, resting and reaming. However, most of us don't realize just how important sleep is. Could you tell us more about it?
Dr.Z: Sure. Although it may seem like you're not doing anything while you sleep, your brain is actually working hard. Researchers think that it reviews, sorts and stores the knowledge you gained during the day. Thus, 충분한 잠을 자지 않는 것은 여러분의 뇌가 정보를 처리하고 기억하는 것을 더 힘들게 만듭니다. It also affects your academic abilities by reducing your productivity and concentration. Besides too little sleep can have very bad effects on you mental health. It can cause moodiness, depression and even eating problems.
process / hard / enough/ sleep / your / get / make / information / brain / remember
정답. not getting enough sleep makes it harder for your brain to process and remember information.
해설. ‘동명사 주어+동사+it(가목적어)+진목적어 구문’ 사용. 단어 추가와 어형 변화 부분은 위 정답 참조
예제21. 다음 글을 읽고, 어법상 잘못된 것을 모두 골라 올바른 형태로 고치시오. 단, 오답 1개당 1점씩 감점됩니다. [송파구 Y고 2013학년도 1학년 1학기 중간고사]
When people say bad things about you, you should avoid responding to what says about you. As an old proverb says, if you engage yourself in mud-slinging, you will definitely end up to make yourself dirty. Often people try to talk you into responding to their bad words, and in your attempt to match them word for word, you fall to their level. Don't fall into their trap. Just listen and pity such people. If they are even remotely right about what they are saying, then try to do a little bit of being reflected over this. Then let your actions speak rather than allowing yourself to fall down to their level.
정답. says → is said, to make → making, being reflected → reflecting
해설. what is said about you: 수동. 너에 대해서 말해진 것. end up ~ing. 전치사 of의 목적어 reflecting이 능동관계
예제22. 다음 글을 읽고 문맥에 맞게 빈칸을 본문의 단어를 변형시켜 한 단어로 채우시오. [송파구 Y고 2014학년도 1학년 1학기 중간고사]
Watching birds fly in the sky, the Wright brothers believed that someday they would fly, too. They “visualized” themselves in a device for flying, and eventually, after trying many different ideas, they built the first airplane and flew. Some of the greatest leaders and inventors in history visualized great things before they actually saw them become a reality. That is the power of ________, the act of creating vivid pictures in your mind of what you want in order to make it happen.
정답. visualization
해설. 전치사 of의 목적어이므로 명사 visualization
예제23. 주어진 단어 외에 필요한 단어를 추가해서 밑줄 친 해석대로 영작을 완성하시오. (주어진 단어를 한 번씩 반드시 사용하고 필요시 변형할 수 있음) [송파구 Y고 2017학년도 1학년 1학기 중간고사]
In an essay, the psychologist Dean Simonton tries to understand why so many gifted children fail to develop their talents in later life. One of the reasons, he concludes, is that they have “received an excessive amount of psychological health.” They are children “그들은 몇몇 혁신적인 아이디어로 커다란 성공을 거두기엔 지나치게 순종적인 아이들이다.” He goes on: “Gifted children typically emerge from highly supportive family conditions. In contrast, geniuses have a tendency to come from less favorable conditions.” They could suffer from a childhood so hopeless that they push it to the furthest corners of their memory ― and still some good comes from that. The existence of these geniuses suggests that in certain circumstances a virtue can be made of hardship.
too, big, revolution, with, some
They are children "( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )."
정답. too obedient to make the big time with some revolutionary idea
해설. ‘too + 형용사 +to 부정사‘(너무 ...해서 ~할 수 없다) 구문이 앞에 나온 children 수식. 단어 추가와 어형 변화 부분은 위 정답 참조
예제24. 다음 글을 읽고, 문맥상 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 2개의 단어를 찾아 바르게 고치시오. [송파구 Y고 2017학년도 1학년 1학기 중간고사]
When you’re eager to get your slice of the pie, why would you be interested in giving a hand to other people so that they can get their piece? If Ernest Hamwi had reused that attitude when he was selling zalabia, a very thin Persian waffle, at the 1904 World’s Fair, he might have ended his days as a street vendor. Hamwi noticed that a nearby icecream vendor ran out of bowls to serve to his customers. Most people would have sniffed, “Not my problem,” perhaps even hoping the icecream vendor’s luck would mean more customers for them. Instead, Hamwi rolled up a waffle and put a scoop of ice cream on top, creating one of the world’s first icecream cones. He helped his neighbor and, in the process, made a fortune.
정답. reused → taken, luck → misfortune
예제25. 다음 글을 읽고, 어법상 틀린 부분을 모두 골라 바르게 고치시오. [송파구 Y고 2017학년도 1학년 1학기 중간고사]
It’s great to have people in your life who believe in you and cheer you on. They are truly interested in which you are trying to achieve and support you in all of your goals and efforts. Each of us needs people in our lives who encourages us so that we can feel confident in our capabilities and move forward toward our goals. But there will be times in your life when there is no one around to stand up and cheer you on. When this happens, don’t get depress. Instead, become your own cheerleader. Give yourself a motivational pep talk because nobody knows your strengths and talents better than you and no one can motivate you better than you. *pep talk: 격려의 말
정답. which → what, encourages → encourage, depress → depressed
해설. what you are trying to achieve : achieve의 목적어로 쓰인 선행사가 포함된 관계대명사 what / 관계대명사 who의 선행사가 people이므로 관계대명사절의 동사는 복수인 encourage가 되어야 한다. / get depressed : 우울해지다